My daughter's hoard of Lalaloopsy dolls was steadily
growing...irresistible yard sales!
And the dollhouse we made from an old shelf just wasn't holding all of them!

Poor Tippy Tumbalina!
Actually, poor me...I've spent lots of time retying these
I took Tippy to my workshop...
And yes, used E6000 to glue those shoes right on her feet!
Just a small daub inside and presto!
And a little dot of glue right at the top of the ribbon knot...
and the shoes and the feet lived happily ever after!
I love it when toys are organized! Cute to look at and easy to play with!
growing...irresistible yard sales!
And the dollhouse we made from an old shelf just wasn't holding all of them!

But driving around one day, we found this shelf on someone's curb.
I stashed it in the hatch and drove home.
It's problem was that it was just plain dirty!
So I scrubbed it up and spray painted it teal before I even took a before picture!
Now while that shelf dried, there was the problem of Lalaloopsy shoes continually falling off.Poor Tippy Tumbalina!
Actually, poor me...I've spent lots of time retying these
I took Tippy to my workshop...
And yes, used E6000 to glue those shoes right on her feet!
Just a small daub inside and presto!
And a little dot of glue right at the top of the ribbon knot...
and the shoes and the feet lived happily ever after!
I love it when toys are organized! Cute to look at and easy to play with!
Linking up to THESE parties this week!